Devil’s Agents in Ministries
It is important that ministries should wait on God before ministering deliverance to anyone. You see Jesus’ Name had not hot its power. At the mentioning of the Name JESUS every knee bows. Perhaps a higher percentage of those that come to us are not at all ready for deliverance. Inabilities to discern this world soon make you to doubt the power in the Name of Jesus. And soon you wonder if something is wrong with you. You command a demon to short up in Jesus’ Name but it refuses! You ask a fool stinking demon to come out but it refuses!
The Lord made it clear to me that many of these counselees are agents of the devil. They go from one minister to the other in fulfillment of an assignment. They successively gauge your level of anointing. They as well keep you busy. You will discover that they often present to you a chain of problem which are never solved. They sympathetically present problems which thus give them undue opportunities to be in close touch with you. They monitor you in the spirit, while they seek for a good time to attack.
Many evangelists with worldwide ministries have been tied down and turned. “demon casters” they have been seduced into a specialized ministry! Jesus told me to deliver men from sin and the consequences of sins: sickness, poverty, barrenness, unclean spirits etc, and never concentrate on casting out demon.
“And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, evn the devils are subject unto us through thy name.
And he said unto them, I behold satan as lighting fall from heaven.
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Nothwithstanding in this rejoice not, that spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.” Lk.10:17-20
Obviously, there is no big deal with deliverance ministration. It is not by might, nor by power, no! Not by shouting, not by sweating.
You do not need to sweat to cast a demon out of a sincere person. The Blood of Jesus is great. The Name of Jesus is however, a demon that is in league with a person would mock you and waste your time.
Salvation is a gift from God. Healing is gift and I believe that deliverance is a gift (Eph. 2: 8). It is received by anyone that is sincerely ready for it.
To one, Jesus simply said, “Hold thy peace, and come out of him.” (Mk. 1: 25). T another He said, “Go” (Matt. 8: 32). To another He said, “…be it unto thee even as thou wilt.” (Matt. 15: 28). To another, He said, “…Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity.” (Lk. 13” 12).
You see, deliverance does not lie in any man of God, But in God Himself. I have witnessed sincere people delivered while listening to the Word. I have heard many delivered during a worship session many had seen Jesus walked to them to give them deliverance without anybody praying for them.
A host of ‘demon-possessed’ people are flooding our churches today who are agents of darkness and messengers of the devil. In the time past, I used to think that a demon –possessed individual cannot be found in the church of God alas, I was wrong! The most terrible, ardent human agents of darkness operate in the church. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing where would he be found? Obviously among the sheep. Remember the parable of the Tares and Wheat (Matt. 13: 36-43) also read Matt. 7: 15-30; 1 Jn. 4:1-6.
All they are set to do is primarily to destroy the prayer base of the ministry/church, pollute the choir and destroy their vision of evangelism! Soon, a one-time fire band evangelist becomes a local pastor- playing church! He is now a settled deliverance minister. After these, other things follow.
Many of these agents of darkness, like Simon the sorcerer, would claim to believe. They would be numbered with the saints, and go through the convert class “faithfully” and rise through the rank and file of the church, perpetrating their wicked acts, while some of these men called men of God has no experience of salvation. I was at a church recently where the choir leader was singing with a demon tongue, in fact, a deep male voice! Her voice I discovered after the church service was very different when I put some words to her.
They in fact give prophecies in some churches. Many of their prophecies could be seen to be mere predictions. They make invocations on the ignorantly innocent members ignorant? No, I do not think I meant to say that, because when God eventually openly reveal such agents, everyone in the church says… “Eh en! I think I have I known this for quite sometime, but…” “No wonder why my spirit would always rebel against that sister/brother!…”
They knew deep in their spirits, but had been blinded by the activities, contributions, regularity and punctually of such people. Some agents even live on Christians! Oh, the well framed lies they tell! The man of God is soon caught up in his emotion. With all sympathy, he legally brings in agents of darkness to operate in the church and in his home.
They are good “testi-liars” and no good testifiers. They know how to back up the pastors’ wrong teaching or practice with ‘testimonies’ so as to push him further into error! The anointed servant of God so becomes obsessed and is deeply manipulated by the increased testimonies and multiplication of membership.
Oh, some of them can pray, some can sign they can see ‘revelations’. Some can speak in tongues for then hour’s non-stop! You will think they are praying. They are only making invocation or raining curses on you in an unknown language.
Some agents often go to ministers with some serious complaints about their Christian lives. They will tell you no one has been able to help them. They go about with “dummy problems” so to appeal to your emotion. You allow them not thinking they would constitute an household enemies of the of the church. They feel their CID with necessary information about you and your ministry. They seem to be very good and smart in their manipulation and scheming. They set you thinking rather than praying.
Many would-be ministers have carried these devils incarnate as wives/husbands without knowing it. Many ministers have been married to demon-possessed “sisters” without realizing it. And a minister probably joined them! A Pentecostal church issued a marriage certificate to them! Some believers stood there as witnesses. They have gotten their visions and destiny ruined before they ever started.
Before the man of God waves his hands in prayer they are down on the floor! They tell you your anointing is great, when you are almost driven down to zero point. They are waiting for a good time to attack.
When the anointing is so much in the service, the demons in them manifest. Well this would not be strange to you since they already told you they have demonic problems when they were coming in. but who on earth can cast out a demon out of someone who is in league with it? They are never delivers, no matter how many sessions of deliverance you organized for them. They have a vision and mission which you do not seem to understand. Advanced hypocrisy is the game.
No human brain can correctly fish out an agent of darkness in the church today. This is the reason why the gifts of discerning of spirits and the word of knowledge are so inevitable in the church. To be suspicious is to end up confused much more confused. Besides, you might take a mirage for reality.
While men look at the face, God looks into the heart. The face is more deceptive than we ever think. The Lord taught me to counsel the heart and not the people’s complaints. Earnestly desire to know the heart of your counselee/church member. The heart of man is so deceptive, only God can reveal it. In a pagan society like ours, one cannot afford to relate at facial level.
One of the characteristics of Jesus’ reign was that “…He shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears” (Is. 11:3).
Please watch out so that you do not expend your anointing on ‘dummy problems’. Thank God, some human rulers of darkness have resigned their appointments with the devil, and have been delivered when they encountered the power of the Holy Ghost. God is good to deliver more in this end-time.
The most pathetic experience I have witnessed in the recent time is the rate at which children are being oppressed, obsessed and are initiated with gifts/snakes into demonic cults right in the church. I mean Pentecostal churches! Well I am not so surprised. Or what do we expect in a church that is turned into a ‘business center’. Fire evangelism is gone. Prayer band destroyed. Choir polluted. When a church has become lukewarm, the devil can have his feast day in there. As some of the ministers of the gospel been obsessed with money and materialism, they always brain wash their members over contribution of money. i didn’t condemn money here because money is good, but explaining mammon behind it.
Brother. I shed tears as I am typing this in jealous for my Father’s heritage. I wish all ministers would go to the ‘mountain top’ to fast and pray and allow the Holy Ghost to cross – examine their workers for them. If you do, you will be stunned.
The devil tries as much as possible to infiltrate Christian homes. If planting ‘a house help’ would not work, he plants relations. Best, he looks for the ministers’ children to possess and operate through.
A man of God has a house help whose major assignment in his house was to possess the first child. She was in his house first eight months spiritual dormant. During this time she flees twice. Sometime ran into hidden bush, two kilometers away from the house.
The man of God perceived later that the angel of the Lord drove her out in those times that she fled the house. In the middle of the night one day she vomited a demon and according to her, she commanded the demon to possess the first boy. The boy started shivering. A young girl of about four suddenly wakes up and rebukes the work of a huge demon in the appearance of “black huge woman” the demon and spirit fled through the window. All this while dad and mom were sleeping and probably snoring in their bedroom! God made her to confess all there before she was drive away by the man of God.
As I was saying, if the devil cannot get the children to be use, he tries demon possessed individuals, often an agents, so called brothers/sisters, pitiable, with sympathetic case that needs your help and shelter or otherwise.
We Africans are probably more hospitable than the rest of the world. A couple could accommodate five relations and friends in their apartment. While this hospitality is quite laudable, prayer for screening is inevitable. Jesus said…’a man’s own foe (enemies) shall be of his own household” (Matt. 10:36).
I summoned a couple to my house few days ago. The couple had been moved with pity and had brought into their apartment an agent of the devil for just two weeks. They were oppressed. The couple fights three days after delivery of their baby! Their first child had a minor home accident and their car got grounded!
Thank God they had sent out the lady. They burnt the things she brought for their child. The lady had brought some strange plants which she planted in their yard. Those they uprooted and burnt. They prayed and sanctified their yard immediately. Guess where the lady had moved into now, another Christian home.
The couple late said, “We knew something was wrong with that lady … I lost my peace the very day she came into our house! Often I am alarmed in my spirit without seeing anything … I just did not feel comfortable with the sister, but I could not say a word because I was moved with sympathy for her problems… we politely ejected her few days ago when the uneasiness persisted.”
To obey is better than sacrifice. To rationalize the leading of the Spirit is to get entangled and ensnared. We should counsel the heart and not the narrated ordeals. We should look into the heart and not face. We are moved by the Spirit and by our emotions. We deal with the spirit and not with the person. We deal with a person if only we are required to by the Lord
I sincerely pray that every church in this continent would train some of their members in the art deliverance ministration. genuine Deliverance Schools/Ministries are all around us if search them among the schools. Besides, in a pagan society like ours, regular deliverance ministration in the church is inevitable.
It is not a light thing to God that our fathers and mothers, in the small towns and villages do not know Christ. Only an insignificant number of them attend Pentecostal churches. The reason is primarily because we do not seem to understand what they have entered into. Confessions of such demonic covenants would never be made to a ‘novice’. They are quite aware of the consequences.
Our fathers were born and raised up in idolatry. Most of them were dedicated to demons even before they were born. They were named after gods. I hope you know the derivation of the name your bear, I mean your surname. You know the name of your town or state, that they were derived from demonic altars. Only the Gospel of the Kingdom will bring them out of slavery, preaching, teaching, healing and casting out devils (Matt. 4: 23-25).
Deliverance is in the person of the Holy Spirit. Not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit, saith the LORD of Host. It is the Lord that delivers through man. Jesus was made manifest that He might open the prison to them that are bound (Is. 61: 1).
All believers, including you, can cast out any demon. “In My Name shall they cast out devils” (Matt. 16:17). The twelve went out and cast out “all devils” (Lk. 9: 1). Jesus in Mark Chapter one entered the Jewish synagogues and again “Cast out devils” (Mk. 1:20). Apostle James tells us that the devils believe and tremble at the Name of Jesus. When the seventy returned from their missionary journey they report that “Even the devils are subject unto us through Thy Name”. You can arrest demons and cast them out of a situation or person.
Let us put away fear and uncertainty. The Bible says: “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” (Lk. 10: 17-19).
The Bible does not teach us to run away from the devil, but to resist them, to cast them out. We are the aggressor. We do not cry. “The devil is pursuing me”, but rather we are after the devil. I am not expected to run from my enemy, but to pursue him. Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in world (1 Jn. 4: 4). I believe it is now time when believers (male and female) should set out to bring deliverance to the captives.
Deliverance from demon is not at all a new teaching. There are indications that the Lord Jesus taught the Apostles about this. The Apostles gave descriptions of demon activities: (1 Tim. 4:1; Rev. 16: 14) they described how they were exorcised (Lk. 4: 33; Lk. 9: 42; Lk. 8: 31) they spoke about devils’ kingdom (Matt. 12: 26; Eph 6: 12; Rev. 9: 11). They indicated their eternal home. (Matt. 25: 41). They gave their names (Mk. 9: 25; Mk. 1: 23; Lk. 13: 11).
It is important that things about demons be taught in our churches more than ever done. Brethren should be made know whom they are up against. Let them know the devil’s weapons, strategies, organization and soon. Let us not fight in darkness, let us not walk in darkness. Let us shed light into the camp of the enemy and expose him.
Do we fight against flesh and blood? No. then against whom? If powers, principalities, world rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in high places, then who are they? What are their mode of operation? What are their weapons? These and others question, I suppose a soldier of Christ should be able to answer.
Again one might ask. “why do the agents of darkness in our midst study us so much?” “Why do they study the scripture more than most ministers?” “Why does the devil send them o Bible Schools, I mean very good ones?” “To know so well about the church? “Why do they read healing and deliverance books and subscribe for ministers’ New Letters/Magazine more than anyone else?” “Why do they attend retreats, conferences and convention more than anyone else? Well, may be, it is to understand us very well, so they can be successful operate in our midst.
I see where devil is dealing with us. Believers ignorantly say: “I do not want to know anything about the devil. I only care about God” this does not sound spiritual at all. It is a deceit of the devil.
Paul, in writing to the Corinthians said, “We are aware of the devil’s devices”. Lest satan should get an advantage of us: “…for we are not ignorant of his devices. (Thoughts, minds, purposes. Schemes, and designs) (2 Cor. 2: 11).
In ministering to the oppressed, obsessed and possessed individuals, the first thing to do is to lead the person to Christ.
1. Let him or her confess Jesus as his/her Lord and Saviour, then he/her shall be saved healed, freed, delivered (Rom.10: 8-10)
About a month ago, a lady was brought to me by her sister, accompanied by a brother. The girl is a staunch muslim of the hamadiya sect. the problem she had was that something often choke her in the neck and she would being to struggle for breath! I spoke to her about Christ and she “believed”. Her sister even pleaded with her to quickly give her life to Christ. I took them to my office for prayers.
As I was about to pray, I felt a check in my spirit, I told her, “now that you have given your life to Jesus, I will command the demon of death out of you, but from now on, you will call upon Christ”. She said, “Ok”. I continued, “Henceforth, you will never say ‘allah is the greatest again”. She stood up briskly and protested: “no I cannot but say that”. The demon seized her immediately; it strangulated her so much that her eyes bulged out! She motioned violently to me, pleading for help; I shook my head with pity. The brother beside me whispered, “Peace in Jesus’ Name”. The girl came back to herself. She was rubbing her hands on her neck as if someone had just loosened a suicide rope from it.
I said; “lady did you see the power that is in the Name of Jesus now? You could have died just now, if not for that Name”. I pleaded further with her, but she said, “no, I cannot but pray in the muslim way allah too! When she refused to be persuaded, I told her and the elder sister that brought her: “Jesus is the Deliverer not me. You cannot reject the Deliverer and obtain deliverance”. I made them see what Christ said in Matt. 12: 43-45
43. When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.
44. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished.
45. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.
I explained that if i cast out that demon of death now, soon it would come back and she will be worse. They left my office, the lady still saying “I cannot but pray in the muslim way”!
2. After you have led the person to Christ them plead the Blood of Jesus upon yourself and the immediate surroundings.
3. You may then lead him/her to renounce all covenants with the devil and break those covenants in Jesus Name. Lead him/her to renounce and break every curse that might have alighted upon him/her by reasons of those covenants.
4. If the person is a believer, lead him/her to confess his/her sins and forgives whosoever had offended him/her. A person can never be truly delivered if he/her harbors sin in his/her life.
It is important to know that in carrying out this warfare operation, angels of God are with you. Again, you have authority to cast those demons out. And at your command they will get out.
Covenant breaking could be done following these steps:-
- Plead with God in repentance over the covenant(s) made with the devil in times of ignorance.
- Renounce each of those covenants in the Name of Jesus
- Break each of those covenants in Name of Jesus.
- Bind the demon associated with those covenants, and cast them out of his life.
- Keep on resisting the devil until your joy is full.
4. Keep your eyes on Jesus as you command the demons out. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Remember you are talking to beings who can hear you and see you through the eyes of the counselee. Talk to demons like you are seeing them as spiritually in faith.
5. Bind the demons and send them to a place to the desert, ocean etc. I wish to remind you that the whole exercise is an act of faith.
Require your patient to sit down or kneel down while praying for him/her. Evils spirits often knock their victims off making them too heavily crash on the floor when required to stand.
6. Immediately all the demons are gone, go ahead to cleanse the body by the purifying fire of the Holy Spirit. Administer healing where necessary using the Word of God.
7. Deliverance ministration, like salvation or healing ministration is an act of love. Care for the patient, protect him/her from injury, and handle him/her like your own brother or sister.
8. Jesus never had discussions with demons, but rather said, “shut up” or hold your peace” (Mk. 1: 25). Sometimes, however, you might be required to ask for the name of the spirit in possession of your patient, just get the name and command the demon, mentioning the name and command it to come out of him/her. Do not allow a demon-possessed to speak in a language you do not understand, usually, they are either cursing you or they are abusing you. Command them to shut up.
Specifically address the demon you are dealing with. Jesus called demons by what they do. In case of oppression, address them by their diagnosed works – cancer, dumbness, deafness, HIV/AID. Diabetes etc. you may say something like “…you devil/spirit of cancer; I bind you by the power of the Holy Spirit, and now loose your hold and come out in Jesus’ Name”.
Jesus said: “…Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him. (Mk.9: 25)
Cast out devils with a mother/earthly tongue. You may keep on charging your spirit by speaking in the Holy Ghost intermittently. Demons do not understand the Heavenly tongues you speak. So do not attempt casting out demons with tongues. If you are not yet baptized with the Holy Ghost, anoint your counselee with oil as you command the demon out of him/her.
These are some things I feel a believer need to do in the process of ministration. These include:-
- Do not lay hands except you are required to do so by the Holy Spirit.
- Do not entertain any kind of complaint from the demons and do not interrogate them. Remember the devil is a liar, and father of it (Jn. 8: 44). There is no truth in him and when he speaks, he speaks lies.
- Do not fear. There is nothing to fear about demons, though it may threaten, harass or shout on you, maintain your ground and command it to shut up and come out.
- Do not pray to God to do it: as a matter of fact, if you kneel down pleading with God, perhaps with fasting for a decade to cast out for you, God will not do it. God has done all that He has to do with the devil for now. The power and authority to do it is in you now. So you do it. Speak to the devil as you would to a being. He hears, and he will obey you. Demons are very obedient to the Name of Jesus.
- Do not abuse: It is not for you to rain accusations or abuses on the devil. Do not go beyond your boundaries. “Cast out devils” that is all the Bible requires you to do.
- Do not rebuke: bind the devil by the power of the Holy Spirit and cast it out. And, rebuke the works of the devil death, sickness, fever etc. You do not rebuke the devil, you rebuke his works.
- Do not command a demon to die. Spirit doesn’t die. War with demons according to rules (the Word of God). We are not necromancers who invoke the spirit of death in prayers. As a matter of fact, avoid any gathering where the word: ‘die’, ‘death’ is frequently used in prayers. Believers have nothing to do with death than to rebuke it or bind it. Life is in God and in the church. Death is a weapon employed for use in the kingdom of darkness.
- Do not torment demons. Neither cast them to the lake of fire or bottomless pit. The time for that has not come. Simply minister as Jesus did and as the Apostles did.
- Do not keep dogs, cats around. Not only that, children should as well be kept some distance away as much as possible.
- Do not keep your eyes closed while ministering. You are not praying to God. You’re issuing a command to you enemy.
- Do not massage or press on the body of the opposite sex while praying for them.
- Do not burn yourself out by groaning, shouting or screaming at demons.
- Never allow demon to naked your counselee before you.
- Do not allow demons to entertain you with singing, dancing or with some acrobatic displays.
- Do not use the third person pronoun to address demons: they, them etc. talk to demons like you are seeing them and talk as a man of authority.
- Do not minister deliverance alone Jesus sent out His disciples in twos.
- Any believers desire their counselee to fall down under the power either by design or by force! Do not mishandle your counselee. Deliverance ministration is not a forum to receive cheap glory.
- Do not eat or drink in the process of ministration. Except you are so led. There is no much abuse in the use of water, oil, handkerchief etc in the course of ministration. Unbelief is a major setback in healing and deliverance ministration today. Endeavor to operate by faith.
These rules are necessary because of demonic agents who would come to you either to tempt you, engage you or gauge your level of anointing and seeking for an occasion to strike at you.
Often when unclean spirits are being cast out of a person, these spirits put up varying degrees of protests. The protest could reveal the personality and numbers of demons in the person.
“And when the unclean spirit had torn him, and cried with a loud voice, he came out of him.” (Mk. 1: 26)” …straightway the spirit tare him; and he fell on the ground, and wallowed foaming.” (Mk. 9:20).
Demons will often speak through the patient’s mouth. The voice and language may and may not be different from the ones he is accustomed to. The demon may threaten, accuse, hiss, sigh, shout or cry. In any of such instances, command the demon to be silent. Refuse every threat and curse in the Name of Jesus.
Praise and worship:
Sometimes the demon may want to deceive you that it has gone out. It may shout with an announcement that it is gone, then the person will suddenly being to sing. Praise or even worship. It is a deceit. Bind it and command the religious spirit to come out.
Extra-Ordinary Strength:
The person may become violent. Do not wrestle with him/her! Exercise your authority and command the demon to stop demonstrating.
If more than one demon is present, the higher demon in possession is often the last to come out. It would pretend not to be there. Soon it would be exposed when his scales (lesser demons) are gone out. Refuse to be deceived.
Other manifestations include, coughing, spitting, vomiting, screaming, roaring, sobbing, growling, barking, writhing on the floor like a snake, rolling on the floor, fainting, choking, sighing, laughing, sweating, crying, urinating, dancing, speaking in tongues’, terrible foul odour, death etc.
Do not entertain manifestations, rather, with all seriousness, order the demons to stop and come out. There has been occasions when demon had left a person quietly without manifesting or protesting at all.
It’s often good to stand up while ministering; however, any convenient posture is all right. I am used to sitting down on a table, while ministering.
The Serpent Land
Few months to the commencement of this ministry and church in 2000 AD February, I have a genuine worry in my mind as regards my protection in this seemingly dangerous assignment.
When I told my mother, the Lord has called me into ministry and I was starting on it, she blessed me and then warned, “Whosoever would succeed in this assignment must live by fasting and prayers”
So when I got face to face with the assignment upon my life, I thought how can I fast on earth and how can I pray? And to have success in ministry, the prophetic and seer ministry is inevitable! I was a bit scared.
That Lord in His mercy gave me a revelation.
In the revelation I saw! I was in a house, well-furnished beautiful and a bit isolated. All doors attached to the house were securely locked and several windows fitted to the house, were very low. Even a pet could jump in through the window. To my amazement, the whole land outside the house was full of snakes of different breed, size and length reptiles.
I realized none of the terrible reptile and snakes could come in through those windows except through the doors. Thank God the doors were securely locked. A land full of poisonous, horrible looking reptiles snakes.
Again, I saw I was in a town, a fairly big town. Horrible looking creatures, like African masquerades, were all over the place. The land was so polluted. These masquerade-looking creatures were everywhere, this is the generation we’re with in this last day.
Everything I could see seem to be in their possession! I was a bit terrified! Then I heard, “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty”. (2 Cor. 3:17).
There is peace, health, deliverance, protection, salvation, prosperity, mention it, anywhere the Holy Spirit is enthroned as the LORD. The Spirit of the Lord is everywhere, but He is not the Lord everywhere. A minister of God is protected, duty protected as long as he remains under the Lordship of the Holy Spirit. No devil can touch you as long as the doors to your life remain closed, as long as the hedge remains.
Though the hedge looks invisible, it is there the Bible says:
For I, saith the LORD, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her. (Zech. 2:5).
They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever. As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the LORD is round about his people from henceforth even for ever. (Ps. 125: 1-2)
Jesus promised, “Nothing shall by any means hurt you”. Protection is sure if only we operate within the confine of the Word. I say again; you are duly protected.
The Bible however warned us that danger looms if we open the door to the enemy.
“He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him.” (Eccl. 10:8).
Let a minister not joke with sin. Let a Christian not partake in demonic rituals or sacrifices. It is important that a minister of God examine all gifts, decorations, pictures in his/her house to be sure that none has a demonic origin. Your consecration is of utmost importance. Let your motto be, “Holiness Unto The Lord”.
Before ministering to a person, ensure he throws away all juju (juju mean fetish in west Africa) and demonic objects in his/her possession. Mystic dresses, albums, crucifix, amulets etc should be disposed off. Warn such an individual about the danger of participating, either directly or indirectly, in demonic carnivals, festivals, or rituals. It is important, especially in a society like ours, that a person be educated on ways in which demons enter a person in this last day. Shalom!